of Optical
is knowing how to manipulate light smartly,
from any source to any detector,
according to customer need.
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- Art opt was established in 1999 by Abraham Reichert and Yoni Cohen to lead the Israeli optical engineering market.
- The company’s founders has more than 35 years experience (each)
- Variety of electro-optic systems for military and civilian markets in the visible, infrared and ultraviolet spectrum
- Patents and papers
- Having Industrial designer and mechanical eng. In our team
Art Opt offers innovative design and practical product planning for OEM and contract customers. Extensive experience enables the design of simple and cost-effective imaging systems implementing complex lens designs, reflective and refractive components and appropriate mechanical housing. The company also has experience in diffractive and holographic optics, and offers illumination system design and analysis, and stray light analysis and suppression.
Art-Opt offers a complete range of product development services. The company works closely with industrial designers, and identifies suppliers and fabrication methods that can deliver cost-effective and technically excellent products from initial concept through design and engineering to prototype and high-rate production.
The company specializes in advanced optical and mechanical technologies to provide customers with innovative solutions. Capable and experienced in working in the competitive commercial arenas, wherever possible Art-Opt used injection molded optics and housings as well as off-the-shelf optics.
Art-Opt expertise also extends to non-imaging optics, including illumination systems for projectors, machine vision systems, and other similar applications.
Art-Opt have also worked with very contemporary technologies, including diffractive and holographic optics, non-rotationally symmetric aspheric surfaces, reflective systems, and other state-of-the-art technologies. The company uses advanced computer-aided optics and has an array of tools that provide improved efficiency, reduce costs, minimize errors, and increase engineering accuracy.
Development and manufacturing of a wide range of optical products for military applications, including definition of customer requirements, writing of optical specifications for development, testing at different levels.
Optical development in collaboration with mechanical, electronics and image processing engineers.
Accompanying the optical manufacturing process, participating in system integration, instruction courses and end-user installation.
Initiation of innovative projects and management of the optics groups.
Building infrastructures for designing and manufacturing combined systems with holographic components.
Production – Assembling concept and Assemblies specification full support in Assembling and Inspection fixtures design
Full support in optical manufacturing tasks and cost effectiveness, support in purchasing tasks and contact with various manufacturers and suppliers in the field of Electro-Optics.
Quality Assurance Provision – Preparing QA Plan for a project and In-process QC procedures generating process documents for: Top-level testing, In-process Inspection, Alignment & Calibration of Testing fixture and Setups. SOW and QC

- helmet mounted display – HMD
(asymmetric optics) - head-up display (refractive and reflective) optics
- Aircraft simulator optical systems

Compact display systems utilizing LED and LCD array displays. These include miltary displays, automotive displays, and computer game displays, incorporating off-axis aspherical or planar-symmetrical plastic molded optical elements.

- Fingerprint ID systems incorporating a visible optical system for photography and a NIR optical system for comparison.
- Thermal photography optical systems in both the 3-5 µm and 8-12 µm ranges, utilizing either staring array or line scan cameras.
- Combined NIR – Thermal IR camera systems, including both dual-detector systems and single-detector systems with a wide spectral range.

Our experience brain

CodeV for lens designing

Pen and Paper